Dialogs inform users about a task and can contain critical information, require decisions, or involve multiple tasks.
Before you can use Material dialogs, you need to add a dependency to the Material Components for Android library. For more information, go to the Getting started page.
// Add customization options here
The contents within a dialog should follow their own accessibility guidelines,
such as an icon on a title having a content description via the
attribute set in the
style or descendant.
There are two types of dialogs: 1. Basic dialog, 2. Full-screen dialog
A dialog is a type of modal window that appears in front of app content to provide critical information or ask for a decision. Dialogs disable all app functionality when they appear, and remain on screen until confirmed, dismissed, or a required action has been taken.
Dialogs are purposefully interruptive, so they should be used sparingly.
API and source code:
The following example shows a basic dialog.
In code:
.setNeutralButton(resources.getString(R.string.cancel)) { dialog, which ->
// Respond to neutral button press
.setNegativeButton(resources.getString(R.string.decline)) { dialog, which ->
// Respond to negative button press
.setPositiveButton(resources.getString(R.string.accept)) { dialog, which ->
// Respond to positive button press
Full-screen dialogs group a series of tasks, such as creating a calendar entry with the event title, date, location, and time. Because they take up the entire screen, full-screen dialogs are the only dialogs over which other dialogs can appear.
There is no specific Material implementation of a full-screen dialog. You can
implement it by using a
as explained in the
Android Developer guides.
A dialog has a container, content (either supporting text or a set of items of a particular type), a background scrim, and, optionally, title and buttons.
Element | Attribute | Related methods | Default value |
Color | app:backgroundTint |
N/A | ?attr/colorSurfaceContainerHigh |
Shape | app:shapeAppearance app:shapeAppearanceOverlay |
N/A | ?attr/shapeAppearanceCornerExtraLarge |
Background inset start and end | app:backgroundInsetStart app:backgroundInsetEnd |
setBackgroundInsetStart setBackgroundInsetEnd |
24dp |
Background inset top and bottom | app:backgroundInsetTop app:backgroundInsetBottom |
setBackgroundInsetTop setBackgroundInsetBottom |
80dp |
Element | Attribute | Related methods | Default value |
Text label | N/A | setTitle setCustomTitle |
null |
Text color | android:textColor |
N/A | ?attr/colorOnSurface |
Typography | android:textAppearance |
N/A | ?attr/textAppearanceHeadlineSmall |
Icon | N/A | setIcon setIconAttribute |
null |
Icon tint | app:tint |
N/A | ?attr/colorSecondary |
Supporting text
Element | Attribute | Related methods | Default value |
Text | N/A | setMessage |
null |
Color | android:textColor |
N/A | ?attr/colorOnSurfaceVariant |
Typography | android:textAppearance |
N/A | ?attr/textAppearanceBodyMedium |
List item
Element | Attribute | Related methods | Default value |
List item layout | app:listItemLayout |
setItems |
@layout/mtrl_alert_select_dialog_item |
List item layout style | N/A | N/A | ?attr/materialAlertDialogBodyTextStyle |
List item text color | android:textColor |
N/A | ?attr/colorOnSurfaceVariant |
List item typography | android:textAppearance |
N/A | ?attr/textAppearanceBodyMedium |
Multi choice item layout | app:multiChoiceItemLayout |
setMultiChoiceItems |
@layout/mtrl_alert_select_dialog_multichoice |
Single choice item layout | app:singleChoiceItemLayout |
setSingleChoiceItems |
@layout/mtrl_alert_select_dialog_singlechoice |
Multi/single choice item style | android:checkedTextViewStyle |
N/A | @style/Widget.Material3.CheckedTextView |
Multi/single choice item text color | android:textColor |
N/A | ?attr/colorOnSurfaceVariant |
Multi/single choice item typography | android:textAppearance |
N/A | ?attr/textAppearanceBodyLarge |
Note: You can set any custom view to be the content of your dialog via the
Element | Attribute | Related methods | Default value |
Buttons theme attributes (negative/positive) | app:buttonBar*ButtonStyle |
N/A | @style/Widget.Material3.Button.TextButton.Dialog |
Buttons theme attributes (neutral) | app:buttonBarNeutralButtonStyle |
N/A | @style/Widget.Material3.Button.TextButton.Dialog.Flush |
Buttons (neutral/negative/positive) | N/A | set*Button |
null |
Icons | N/A | set*ButtonIcon |
null |
For specific button attributes, see the Buttons documentation.
Element | Attribute | Related methods | Default value |
Dim amount | android:backgroundDimAmount |
N/A | 32% |
Element | Theme overlay | Description |
Default theme overlay | ThemeOverlay.Material3.MaterialAlertDialog |
Dialogs have start-aligned icons and titles with end-aligned buttons |
Centered theme overlay | ThemeOverlay.Material3.MaterialAlertDialog.Centered |
Dialogs have center-aligned icons and titles with end-aligned buttons |
Default theme overlay attribute: ?attr/materialAlertDialogTheme
Element | Theme attribute | Default value |
Default style | ?attr/alertDialogStyle |
@style/MaterialAlertDialog.Material3 |
Title text style | ?attr/materialAlertDialogTitleTextStyle |
@style/MaterialAlertDialog.Material3.Title.Text |
Supporting text style | ?attr/materialAlertDialogBodyTextStyle |
@style/MaterialAlertDialog.Material3.Body.Text |
See full list of styles, attributes, and theme overlays.
A dialog supports Material Theming which can customize color, typography and shape.
API and source code:
The following example shows a dialog with Material Theming.
Setting the theme attribute materialAlertDialogTheme
to your custom
will affect all dialogs.
In res/values/themes.xml
<style name="Theme.App" parent="Theme.Material3.*">
<item name="materialAlertDialogTheme">@style/ThemeOverlay.App.MaterialAlertDialog</item>
<style name="ThemeOverlay.App.MaterialAlertDialog" parent="ThemeOverlay.Material3.MaterialAlertDialog">
<item name="colorPrimary">@color/shrine_pink_100</item>
<item name="colorSecondary">@color/shrine_pink_100</item>
<item name="colorSurface">@color/shrine_pink_light</item>
<item name="colorOnSurface">@color/shrine_pink_900</item>
<item name="alertDialogStyle">@style/MaterialAlertDialog.App</item>
<item name="materialAlertDialogTitleTextStyle">@style/MaterialAlertDialog.App.Title.Text</item>
<item name="buttonBarPositiveButtonStyle">@style/Widget.App.Button</item>
<item name="buttonBarNegativeButtonStyle">@style/Widget.App.Button</item>
In res/values/styles.xml
<style name="MaterialAlertDialog.App" parent="MaterialAlertDialog.Material3">
<item name="shapeAppearance">@style/ShapeAppearance.App.MediumComponent</item>
<item name="shapeAppearanceOverlay">@null</item>
<style name="MaterialAlertDialog.App.Title.Text" parent="MaterialAlertDialog.Material3.Title.Text">
<item name="android:textColor">@color/shrine_pink_900</item>
<style name="Widget.App.Button" parent="Widget.Material3.Button.TextButton.Dialog">
<item name="android:textColor">@color/shrine_pink_900</item>
<style name="ShapeAppearance.App.MediumComponent" parent="ShapeAppearance.Material3.MediumComponent">
<item name="cornerFamily">cut</item>
<item name="cornerSize">8dp</item>
Or if you want to change only one specific dialog, pass the themeResId
to the
MaterialAlertDialogBuilder(context, R.style.ThemeOverlay_App_MaterialAlertDialog)