Date pickers let users select a date or range of dates.
Before you can use Material date pickers, you need to add a dependency to the Material Components for Android library. For more information, go to the Getting started page.
Date pickers let users select a date or range of dates. They should be suitable for the context in which they appear.
Date pickers can be embedded into dialogs on mobile devices.
The following image shows a date picker and a range date picker.
API and source code:
A date picker can be instantiated with
val datePicker =
.setTitleText("Select date")
A date range picker can be instantiated with
val dateRangePicker =
.setTitleText("Select dates")
To set a default selection:
// Opens the date picker with today's date selected.
// Opens the date range picker with the range of the first day of
// the month to today selected.
The picker can be started in text input mode with:
A DayViewDecorator
can be set allowing customizing the day of month views within the picker (example of a DayViewDecorator
To show the picker to the user:, "tag")
Subscribe to button clicks, cancel and dismiss events with the following calls:
picker.addOnPositiveButtonClickListener {
// Respond to positive button click.
picker.addOnNegativeButtonClickListener {
// Respond to negative button click.
picker.addOnCancelListener {
// Respond to cancel events.
picker.addOnDismissListener {
// Respond to dismiss events.
Finally, you can get the user selection with picker.selection
To constrain the calendar from the beginning to the end of this year:
val today = MaterialDatePicker.todayInUtcMilliseconds()
val calendar = Calendar.getInstance(TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC"))
calendar.timeInMillis = today
calendar[Calendar.MONTH] = Calendar.JANUARY
val janThisYear = calendar.timeInMillis
calendar.timeInMillis = today
calendar[Calendar.MONTH] = Calendar.DECEMBER
val decThisYear = calendar.timeInMillis
// Build constraints.
val constraintsBuilder =
To open the picker at a default month:
calendar[Calendar.MONTH] = Calendar.FEBRUARY
val february = calendar.timeInMillis
val constraintsBuilder =
To set the first day of the week:
val constraintsBuilder =
To set a validator:
// Makes only dates from today forward selectable.
val constraintsBuilder =
// Makes only dates from February forward selectable.
val constraintsBuilder =
You can also use DateValidatorPointBackward
or customize by creating a class
that implements DateValidator
(example of a DateValidatorWeekdays
in the MDC catalog).
Set the constraint to the picker’s builder:
Material date pickers are fully accessible and compatible with screen readers. The title of your date picker will be read when the user launches the dialog. Use a descriptive title for the task:
val picker =
.setTitleText("Select appointment date")
Calendar date pickers can be used to select dates in the near future or past, when it’s useful to see them in a calendar month format. They are displayed in a dialog.
Common use cases include:
The following example shows a date picker with a date selected.
In code:
val datePicker =
.setTitleText("Select date")
Mobile date range pickers allow selection of a range of dates. They cover the entire screen.
Common use cases include:
The following example shows a date range picker with a date range selected.
In code:
val dateRangePicker =
.setTitleText("Select dates")
The following diagram shows the elements of a date picker:
Element | Attribute | Related method(s) | Default value |
Color | app:backgroundTint |
N/A | ?attr/colorSurfaceContainerHigh |
Shape | app:shapeAppearance |
N/A | ?attr/shapeAppearanceCornerExtraLarge |
Element | Attribute | Related method(s) | Default value |
Style | app:materialCalendarHeaderTitle |
N/A | @style/Widget.Material3.MaterialCalendar.HeaderTitle |
Text label | N/A | Builder.setTitleText getHeaderText |
Select Date |
Color | android:textColor |
N/A | ?attr/colorOnSurfaceVariant |
Typography | android:textAppearance |
N/A | ?attr/textAppearanceLabelMedium |
Element | Attribute | Related method(s) | Default value |
Style | app:materialCalendarHeaderSelection |
N/A | @style/Widget.Material3.MaterialCalendar.HeaderSelection |
Color | android:textColor |
N/A | ?attr/colorOnSurface |
Typography | android:textAppearance |
N/A | ?attr/textAppearanceHeadlineLarge |
Element | Attribute | Related method(s) | Default value |
Style | app:materialCalendarHeaderToggleButton |
N/A | @style/Widget.Material3.MaterialCalendar.HeaderToggleButton |
Background | android:background |
N/A | ?attr/actionBarItemBackground |
Color | android:tint |
N/A | ?attr/colorOnSurfaceVariant |
Element | Attribute | Related method(s) | Default value |
Style | app:materialCalendarYearNavigationButton |
N/A | @style/Widget.Material3.MaterialCalendar.YearNavigationButton |
Text color | android:textColor |
N/A | ?attr/colorOnSurfaceVariant |
Icon color | app:iconTint |
N/A | ?attr/colorOnSurfaceVariant |
Element | Attribute | Related method(s) | Default value |
Style | app:materialCalendarMonthNavigationButton |
N/A | @style/Widget.Material3.MaterialCalendar.MonthNavigationButton |
Text color | android:textColor |
N/A | ?attr/colorOnSurfaceVariant |
Icon color | app:iconTint |
N/A | ?attr/colorOnSurfaceVariant |
Element | Attribute | Related method(s) | Default value |
Style | app:dayTodayStyle |
N/A | @style/Widget.Material3.MaterialCalendar.Day.Today |
Text color | app:itemTextColor |
N/A | ?attr/colorPrimary |
Stroke color | app:itemStrokeColor |
N/A | ?attr/colorPrimary |
Stroke width | app:itemStrokeWidth |
N/A | 1dp |
Element | Attribute | Related method(s) | Default value |
Style | app:daySelectedStyle |
N/A | @style/Widget.Material3.MaterialCalendar.Day.Selected |
Background color | app:itemFillColor |
N/A | ?attr/colorPrimary |
Text color | app:itemTextColor |
N/A | ?attr/colorOnPrimary |
Stroke color | app:itemStrokeColor |
N/A | N/A |
Stroke width | app:itemStrokeWidth |
N/A | 0dp |
Element | Attribute | Related method(s) | Default value |
Color | app:rangeFillColor |
N/A | ?attr/colorSurfaceVariant |
Element | Attribute | Related method(s) | Default value |
Style | app:materialCalendarHeaderCancelButton |
N/A | @style/Widget.Material3.MaterialCalendar.HeaderCancelButton |
Text color | android:textColor |
N/A | ?attr/colorOnSurface (see all states) |
Icon color | app:iconTint |
N/A | ?attr/colorOnSurfaceVariant |
Element | Style |
Default theme overlay |
ThemeOverlay.Material3.MaterialCalendar |
Default style | Widget.Material3.MaterialCalendar |
Fullscreen theme overlay |
ThemeOverlay.Material3.MaterialCalendar.Fullscreen |
Full screen style | Widget.Material3.MaterialCalendar.Fullscreen |
Default style theme attribute (set inside the theme overlay):
Default theme attribute (set on the app’s theme): ?attr/materialCalendarTheme
See the full list of styles, attributes, and theme overlays.
Date pickers support Material Theming which can customize color, shape and typography.
API and source code:
The following example shows a date picker with Material Theming.
Use theme attributes and styles in res/values/styles.xml
, which apply to all
date pickers and affect other components:
<style name="Theme.App" parent="Theme.Material3.*">
<item name="colorPrimary">@color/shrine_pink_100</item>
<item name="colorOnPrimary">@color/shrine_pink_900</item>
<item name="shapeCornerFamily">cut</item>
Use a default style theme attribute, styles and a theme overlay which apply to all date pickers but do not affect other components:
<style name="Theme.App" parent="Theme.Material3.*">
<item name="materialCalendarTheme">@style/ThemeOverlay.App.DatePicker</item>
<style name="ThemeOverlay.App.DatePicker" parent="@style/ThemeOverlay.Material3.MaterialCalendar">
<item name="colorPrimary">@color/shrine_pink_100</item>
<item name="colorOnPrimary">@color/shrine_pink_900</item>
<item name="shapeCornerFamily">cut</item>
<!-- Customize text field of the text input mode. -->
<item name="textInputStyle">@style/Widget.App.TextInputLayout</item>
Set the theme in code, which affects only this date picker:
val picker =